How to Build Better Relationships Through Social Media – Tell the Story of Who You Are
There is a lot of pressure on businesses today to get their presence out on social media; and for good reason. Having a strong social media presence can translate to stronger relationships with customers, grow your customer base and ultimately increase sales and revenue. Many of you are basically paralyzed wondering where to even start? Or have dabbled with it, but have either minimal posts or are not consistent in your sharing.
Getting started on social media and understanding how to use it is actually easier than you think. Here are some small steps you can take right now:
Use it to build relationships, not make sales
Use social media to connect with your customers on a personal level. This kind of connection will build loyalty and trust and long-term relationships. So, instead of trying to make posts for Instagram and Facebook that sell your product or service, use your accounts to tell people who you are. What does that mean? Keep reading.

Make emotional connections
Use social media to relate to your customers on an emotional level. This is an opportunity to let them get to know you and/or your business. Emotional connections are key to building customer trust. Consider the death care industry. People associate funeral directors with death and fear. Social media can be used to change that perception to one of someone who cares deeply for people. Posts that connect on an emotional level include:
- Sharing your personality - fun posts that express who you are/things you like to do. This includes your team! Share the personalities of the people that work with you as well.
- Team building events - lunches, dinners, parties, etc
- Rapid fire questions that are fun and allow people to get to know you and your team
- Team profiles
- Team birthdays and work anniversaries
- Testimonials - people want to read about what other customers think! Ask your past clients for testimonials and post them!
Share your purpose
Social media is an excellent medium to share your purpose with your customers and to lure potential future customers. You can use posts to express the reason you are in business; your purpose. Posts that share your purpose might include:
- Images and messages that share your story. Most people don’t start a business to make money. They start businesses because they have a purpose or desire to create something or to help people or to improve something. Share that!
- Post images or interactions that allow you to express in the caption the story of your business. For example, we began MyBabbo after the death of my husband Mirco’s father. We created a photobook that shared his legacy and everyone wanted one. People value connection and that is at our core. We use photobook posts and pictures to remind people what our story is.
- Images and messages that share why you got into your business
- Use social media to share your why. Find content that resonates with you and expresses to people how it connects to your why.
- Quotes that reflect your values
Connect with your community
There is no better platform than social media to allow your business to show your community connection. Tapping into your community connections is such an easy way to get content for your posts. Posts to share your community connections include:
- Engaging with your customers
- Share pictures of meetings with customers. • Share positive or funny messages from clients or customers - you can take screenshots of them or recreate them using design apps like Canva. • Repost anytime a customer tags you in one of their posts.
- Engaging with the community in which you live
- Having a meeting at a local coffee shop? Post it! • Team dinner at a neighborhood restaurant? Post it!
- Your community or philanthropic involvement
- If you are engaged in volunteer work or fundraising efforts, your customers want to know. Share the work you do for others on your social accounts.
Don’t be afraid to get started on social media. Take it one post at a time. And the very best advice I can give you is just to be yourself! If you are funny, be funny. If you are corny, be corny! Let your voice and passion be the star on your accounts. Emphasize your WHY as that is what people are going to connect with. You can do it. Don’t overthink it!
What are your biggest social media fears? Let’s chat in the comments.
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Connection is why we're here;
to our lives.
- Brene Brown

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